Wednesday 12 March 2025  |


The new issues of the Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 
(Building and Housing)
The new volumes and issues of the AJCE are published by Springer, 
and can be found in the following site:


Journal Contents

Article Type Authors PDF File Type
Seismic hazard assessment and significance of ground motion prediction equations: a deterministic approach Ashish Kumar Parashar Article
Local topography factor for design wind speeds near and on the escarpment with gentle slope Abdul H. WaniRajendra K. VarmaAshok K. Ahuja Article
Investigation of uniaxial tensile and compressive behavior of SFRC Srinivasa Rao KuppalaSuseela KyleArunchaitanya Sambangi Article
Effect of transverse opening on the strength of reinforced concrete column Hailu BezaGoshu Kenea Article
A deductive design method to simplify ASCE 41-17 nonlinear static procedure preserving the adjusted collapse margin ratio of steel moment frames Mohsen ShahrouziMehrdad Ebadijalal Article
Flexural analysis of laminated composite porous plate Raushan KumarAjay Kum Article
An analysis of maintenance demand factors in hospital buildings using the association rule technique AbdulLateef OlanrewajuWai Fang WongPoh Im Lim Article
Fuzzy clustering of structural members for efficient design optimization Ishwaragouda S. PatilSharad G. JoshiShabarish V. Patil Article
Deep CNN-based concrete cracks identification and quantification using image processing techniques Madhuri GonthinaRenuka ChamataVenkat Lute Article
Analysis on performance of eco-friendly engineered cementitious composite for construction and environmental sustainability Muppalla Venkata Sai Surya Pratap ChowdaryS. S. Asadi Article
An investigation on optimal outrigger locations for hybrid outrigger system under wind and earthquake excitation Neethu Elizabeth JohnKiran Kamath Article
Jellyfish search optimization for tuned mass dumpers for earthquake oscillation of elevated structures including soil–structure interaction Kumar VanshajArvind Kumar ShuklaAbhishek Mishra Article
Effect of subterranean levels on the foundation input motions for dynamic response analysis of building structure Zeleke Lulayehu TadesseHari Krishna PadavalaVenkata R. P. Koteswara Article
Closed-form relationships of flexural moment–curvature-axial force for I-shaped steel sections Abbas ShamivandJalal Akbari Article
Development of seismic fragility curves for RC/MR frames using machine learning methods Zohreh Jabari SalmiMohammad Iman KhodakaramiFarhad Behnamfar Article
Salp swarm optimization of active tuned mass dampers in asymmetric plan buildings including SSI effects Abhishek MishraA. K. ShuklaKumar Vanshaj Article
Multi-objective optimized high-strength concrete mix design using a hybrid machine learning and metaheuristic algorithm Rupesh Kumar TipuV. R. PanchalK. S. Pandya Article
Predict a model of the reliability engineering approach to estimating, risk management, and cost predicting for private residential projects in Iran Arash Gorgin KarajiTowhid PourrostamSoheil Monajeminejad Article
Strengthening of historic reinforced concrete columns using concrete and FRP jacketing techniques Khaled SamyAhmed FawzyMohamed Attia Fouda Article
Output-only identification of a simplified onshore wind turbine model using a modified harmony search algorithm Mahmoud Jahjouh Article
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