Wednesday 12 March 2025  |


The new issues of the Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 
(Building and Housing)
The new volumes and issues of the AJCE are published by Springer, 
and can be found in the following site:


Journal Contents

Article Type Authors PDF File Type
Parametric study for long-span roof truss subjected to vertical ground motion
Dhiraj D. Ahiwale, Rushikesh R. Khartode Article
Bond behavior of self-compacting mortar containing construction and demolition waste under elevated temperatures
Amar Benyahia Article
Evaluation of mechanical and durability properties of engineered cementitious composites exposed to sulfate attack and freeze–thaw cycle
Alireza Mansoori, Kiachehr Behfarnia Article
Confinement of concrete in double skin tubular members under axial compression loads
Wissam D. Salman, Ahmed Abdullah Mansor Article
Analysis and seismic retrofitting of unreinforced masonry building: a case study
Ishfaq Aziz, Raquib Ahsan, Mehedi Ahmed Ansary Article
Seismic upgrade of deficient RC frames using different configurations of eccentric steel braces
Muhammad Shoaib Khan, Abdul Basit, Ubaidullah Khan Article
Construction claims, their types and causes in the private construction industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Yusuf M. Al Malki, Md Shah Alam Article
Reliability studies on reinforced concrete beam subjected to bending forces with natural stone as coarse aggregate
Daniel Ndakuta Kolo, James Isiwu Aguwa, Sikiru Folahan Oritola Article
Predicting ultimate strength of FRP and lateral steel confined circular concrete columns using Artificial Neural Networks
Fkrat L. Hamid, Ghazi Bahroz Jumaa, Sardasht S. Weli Article
Multi-criteria analysis and ant colony optimization for seismic design of concrete residential buildings at the early stage phase: Algerian case study
Hamza Lanseur, Marzouk Cherrared, Nizar Bel Hadj Ali Article
Parametric study on prestressed concrete-encased CFST subjected to bending using nonlinear finite element modeling
Z. Rahmani, M. Naghipour, M. Nematzadeh Article
Numerical study on lateral performance of RC frame with strong masonry infill
Jonathan T. Mark, I. Yamini Sreevalli Article
Investigation of expansive concrete structures through strain monitoring in field structures
Su Hlaing Myint, Ganchai Tanapornraweekit, Somnuk Tangtermsirikul Article
Finite-element simulation of vehicle impact on a column in a reinforced concrete-framed structure
Partheepan Ganesan, B. Ramsagar Article
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