Wednesday 12 March 2025  |


The new issues of the Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 
(Building and Housing)
The new volumes and issues of the AJCE are published by Springer, 
and can be found in the following site:


Journal Contents

Article Type Authors PDF File Type
Dynamic response of a tall building next to deep excavation considering soil–structure interaction- 479
A. Akhtarpour- M. Mortezaee Article
Quantifying response variability of steel moment frames due to seismic uncertainties- 503
A.H. Norouzi- M. Gerami Article
Flexural performance of hybrid polypropylene–polyolefin FRC composites- 515
P.B. Sakthivel- S. Govindasami- N. Suman Article
Comparative investigation on effect of fibers in the flexural response of post tensioned beam- 527
R. Shanthi Vengadeshwari- H.N. Jagannatha Reddy Article

Analytical study of effect of web opening on flexural behaviour of hybrid beams- 537
S.G. Morkhade- M. Kshirsagar- R. Dange- A. Patil Article
Scheduling of repetitive construction projects using geographic information systems: an integration of critical path method and line of balance- 549
A. Tomar- V.K. Bansal Article
Rice husk and water treatment plant sludge incorporated into soil–cement brick- 563
M.F.L. Barbosa- A.B.S. Pironcelli- C.A. Silva- A.C. Junior- M.P. Cereda- F.J.C. Magalhães Filho Article
Passive cooling strategies in roof design to improve the residential building thermal performance in tropical region- 571
R. Lapisa- A. Karudin- F. Rizal- Krismadinata- Nasruddin Article
Influence of silica fume and blast furnace slag on the dynamic and mechanical properties of concrete- 581
M. Benmammar- S.M.E.A. Boukli Hacene- O. Taleb Article
Effect of retarding superplasticizers on the properties of cement paste, mortar and concrete- 591
G.M.S. Islam- M.T. Raihan- Md.M. Hasan- Md. Rashadin Article
Seismic behavior of post-tensioned precast wide U beam–column interior joint: a finite element study- 603
R.P. Bohara- G. Tanapornraweekit- S. Tangtermsirikul Article
State-dependent fragility curves using real and artificial earthquake sequences- 619
S. Yaghmaei-Sabegh- R. Mahdipour-Moghanni Article
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